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    discount for re-seller

    Contact: 24/7


  6. Hello all
    am looking few years that some guys comes into the market
    they called themselves hacker, carder or spammer they rip the
    peoples with different ways and it’s a badly impact to real hacker
    now situation is that peoples doesn’t believe that real hackers and carder scammer exists.
    Anyone want to make deal with me any type am available but first
    I‘ll show the proof that am real then make a deal like

    Available Services

    ..Wire Bank Transfer all over the world

    ..Western Union Transfer all over the world

    ..Credit Cards (USA, UK, AUS, CAN, NZ)

    ..School Grade upgrade / remove Records

    ..Spamming Tool

    ..keyloggers / rats

    ..Social Media recovery

    .. Teaching Hacking / spamming / carding (1/2 hours course)

    discount for re-seller

    Contact: 24/7


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  13. ** xpl0it.com **

    Contact me: - Telegram: @r00txploit

    E- Mail: xploitt.com@gmail.com

    ** Welcome to Xpl0it **
    - Spamming Tools :
    - 1:Smtp : 3$ for ip (4$ for Domain)
    - 2:Shell : 5$ per one
    - 3:Cpanel : 3$ per one
    - 4:Scam page 30$ for simple (60$ for undetectable)
    - 5:RDP : 15$ any country
    - 6:PHP mailer : 3$ per one
    - 7:spam business leads 500 in 50$
    - well if you know about carding i m offering following tools with fair prize .
    - Carding Tools :
    - RDP: 15$ any country
    - HMA: 25$ unlimited 12 month
    - Vip72: 25$ unlimited 6 month
    - card validator : 50$ (for fixing unvalide card number and bin checker)
    - wu Java bypass Script ,(by pass any page with your giving commands)
    - Virus/Rate
    - released 2020 zeus trojan(with fud crypted jpg,pdf or doc file)
    - released keylogger : 150$ (for email,pm and btc logs)
    - ninja Rat : 100$ (with fud crypted jpeg,pdf or doc file)
    - cidital : 150$ (with fud crypted jpeg,pdf or doc file)
    - private Scanner
    - smtp scanner : 250$ (Linux based) (ssh/root required for run )
    - rdp scanner : 300$ (Linux based) (ssh/root required for run)
    - Smtp+rdp multi scanner : 500$ (Linux based) (ssh/root required for run)
    - cpanel scanner : 400$ (Linux based) (ssh/root + 10 cpanel or shell required for run)
    - root scanner : 700$ (Linux based) (ssh/root required for run)

    Hello All
    I'm offering following Hacking services Or Hacking Tools
    Also i Teach credit card scam , Bank login Scam ,email Scam
    Cpnal hacking ,spamming , carding , rdp hacking smtp hacking
    cracking exploits also.

    List cc and my price..
    - Us (Visa,Master) =
    - Us (Amex,Dis) =
    - Us Bin , US Dob
    - Us fullz info =
    - Uk (Visa,Master) =
    - Uk (Amex,Dis) =
    - Uk Bin , UK Dob
    - Uk fullz info = 3
    - Ca (Visa,Master) =
    - Ca (Amex,Dis) =
    - Ca Bin 15$ , CA Dob
    - Ca fullz info =
    - Au (Visa,Master) =
    - Au (Amex,Dis) =
    - Au Bin 17$ , AU Dob
    - Au fullz info =
    - Eu (Visa,Master) =
    - Eu (Amex,Dis) =
    - Eu Bin 25$ , AU Dob
    - Eu fullz info =

    Loading the following Accounts lets make this money together..

    *Bank Transfer/Logs

    •Cash App Money Loading/Accounts
    $80 ——— $500
    $120 ——— $1000
    $180 ——— $1500
    $240 ——— $2000

    •PayPal Money Loading/Accounts
    $80 ——— $500
    $120 ——— $1000
    $180 ——— $1500
    $240 ——— $2000

    •Venmo Money Loading/Accounts
    $75 ——— $500
    $150 ——— $1000
    $225 ——— $1500
    $300 ——— $2000

    •WesternUnion Transfer
    $100 ——— $500
    $200 ——— $1000
    $300 ——— $1500
    $400 ——— $2000

    •Zelle Loading
    $65 ——— $500
    $100 ——— $1000
    $150 ——— $1500
    $200 ——— $2000

    •Amzon Balance Loading
    $80 ——— $500
    $120 ——— $1000
    $180 ——— $1500
    $240 _$2000

    -WARRANTY time is 10 HOURS. Any cvv purchase over 10 hours can not warranty.
    -If you buy over 30 cvvs, i will sell for you best price.
    -I will discount for you if you are re-seller or you order everyday many on the next day.
    -I will prove to you that I am the best sellers. And make sure you will enjoy doing business with me.

    E-mail : xploitt.com@gmail.com

    Telegram: @r00txploit

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  15. I've dedicated my time to do these although am not supposed to be doing it. But the attitude of my husband in home and tha way his used to busy with his phone when he got back home from office. He used to chart with peoples and not given us time again every time his he back from office evern to his kids, what his not used to do before. I suspect him that he are finding another woman outside that is the reason he is not having our time in hime. I try to finding out what he used to do with his phone by try hack his phone, A friend of mine introduced me to this ethical hacker that helped me spy remotely into his phone without his consent, the phone can be monitor without his consent, i never dream of what i paid for so good to see all his activities without his consent, you can contact ethical hacker to helped you spy on your patner phone if you need helped contact him through gmail via dehacker197@gmail.com or whatsApp number +1(205)-610-9222. htfdsws
