Shortcut Keys for Tally ERP 9

Special Function Key Combination
ALT + F1
To close a company
To view detailed report
To explode a line into its details
To select Inventory vouchers to alter
At all menu screens
At almost all report screens
At almost all screens in TALLY
At the Inventory/ Payroll voucher creation or alteration screen.
ALT + F2
To change the period
At almost all screens in TALLY
ALT + F3
To select the company info menu
To create/alter/shut a Company
At Gateway of Tally screen
ALT + F4
To select the Purchase Order Voucher Type
At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screens
ALT + F5
To select the Sales OrderVoucher Type
To view monthly and quarterly report
At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screens
At almost all report screens in TALLY
ALT + F6
To select the Rejection Out Voucher Type
To change the Sales Order Voucher Type
At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screens
ALT + F7
To select the Stock Journal Voucher Type
To accept all the Audit lists
At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screens
At Tally Audit Listing screen
ALT + F8
To select the Delivery Note Voucher Type
To view the Columnar report
At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screens
At Ledger Voucher screen
ALT + F9
To select the Receipt Note Voucher Type
At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screens
ALT + F10
To select the Physical Stock Voucher Type
At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screens
ALT + F12
To filter the information based on monetary value
At almost all report screens
Ctrl + F1
To select payroll vouchers for alteration
At the Accounting/Inventory Voucher creation or alteration screen
CTRL + ALT + F12
Advanced Configuration
At Gateway of Tally
Key Combination Used for Navigation
Display previous voucher during voucher entry/alter
At voucher entry and alteration screens
Display next voucher during voucher entry/alter
At voucher entry and alteration screens
To accept anything you type into a field.
To accept a voucher or master
To get a report with further details of an item in a report
You have to use this key at most areas in TALLY
At the receivables report – press Enter at a pending bill to get transactions relating to this bill (e.g., original sale bill, receipts and payments against this bill, etc)
To remove what you typed into a field
To come out of a screen
To indicate you do not want to accept a voucher or master
At almost all screens in TALLY
Collapse next level details
At Voucher Register screen and Trial Balance report
To explode a line into its details
In almost all Reports:
At a Group/Stock Group/Cost Category/Godowns /Stock Category – displays Sub Groups and Ledgers/Stock Items/Cost Centres/Secondary Godowns/Secondary Stock Categories
At a Voucher – displays its entries and narration
At a Stock Item- displays its godowns and batch details
At Voucher Register screen – displays the next level details
At Trial Balance report – displays the next level details
To alter a master while making an entry or viewing a report
At voucher entry and alteration screens
At all reports